vue de Bordeaux

"The Pearl of Aquitaine Region", between vineyards, Landes forest, and Atlantic Ocean

A380"Bordeaux is, without a doubt, the most beautiful city of France" wrote Stendhal in his last book, Voyage dans le Midi.

One hour flight distance from Paris (and very soon 2 hours through the high speed train), Bordeaux marries the charm of a southern French city with the wealth of tourist attractions. Today, the city has many facets : has been a trading port for centuries, and now is a powerful magnet for inhabitants as well as for tourists.

Bordeaux, town of art and history...
Bordeaux is a jewel of 18th century architecture, Unesco-listed in 2007 as urban World Heritage Site. More than 347 sites are listed as "Monument Historique" (French historical buildings): only Paris can compete. Go for a walk in the little streets of Quartier des Chartrons or in the old center, take a stroll up to the Place de la Bourse, around the Grand Theâtre and the Saint-André Cathedrale, and go refresh yourself in summer on the "Miroir d'Eau".

Other sights worth seeing : Palais Rohan, Tour Pey Berland, Porte Cailhau, Grosse Cloche, Place de la Comédie, renewed wharves along the river...

A lot of Museums could inspire you: Musée d'Aquitaine, Musée des Beaux Arts, Musée d'Art Contemporain, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Musée du Vin...

The city center has recently been transformed by the high-tech tram network, the renovation of the eighteen century building facades, the construction of the incredible lift bridge Chaban-Delmas, the new Eco-district Ginko... All this make Bordeaux one of the most attractive and stunning cities of France !

For further information : Tourist Office (

Bordeaux, world wine capital...
Near the Atlantic coast, Bordeaux is the center of the most famous vineyard in the world of top-quality wines: Saint-Emilion, Médoc, Graves, Sauternes, Côtes and Premières Côtes...Well worth venturing! In addition, gastronomy takes an amazing place in the city of Bordeaux, capital of the Aquitaine Region.

Bordeaux, is also shopping...
If you love shopping, you will enjoy the Sainte-Catherine street, the longest pedestrian shopping street in Europe, and the "Quai des Marques", a large space of numerous factory outlets along the river.

Bordeaux, to go for a stroll around the city...
There is also a large choice of sightseeing sites to explore nearby Bordeaux: Bassin d'Arcachon, Dune du Pyla, Lacanau white sand beaches, Biscarosse between Ocean and Landes forest, vineyards and Châteaux along Garonne and Dordogne rivers...

Keys numbers :
With a population of 240 522 inhabitants downtown, and 80 000 university students, Bordeaux metropolitan area reaches 843 425 inhabitants.
The Bordeaux climate is classified as an oceanic one, with a mild winter and a nice summer recording more than 2000 hours of sunshine a year.

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